Waste Reduction

Our Packaging Sustainability Strategy

At our company, we are committed to shaping a future where waste is minimized and eliminated. Our vision is to ensure that none of our packaging ends up in landfills or as litter. We aspire to create a future where well-designed packaging, innovative materials, improved recycling infrastructure, and reusable or refillable packaging prevent waste on land and in oceans. While this goal is ambitious, we are dedicated to achieving it.

Achieving this vision requires collective action from all sectors of society. We actively participate in the development of effective collection, sorting, and recycling systems in the countries where we operate. While the global infrastructure gap poses challenges beyond our control, we collaborate with partners worldwide to model successful collection and resource recovery systems.

Our packaging strategy is grounded in science and driven by experts dedicated to developing sustainable packaging materials for the future. Our team is at the forefront of evolving packaging design practices, focusing on refillable or reusable packaging systems, simplified or recycled packaging materials, and high-performance barrier papers, as well as bio-based, compostable, and biodegradable materials.

Our strategy revolves around five pillars:

  1. Reducing plastic packaging material usage: We aim to decrease our reliance on packaging materials, including virgin plastic, by one-third by 2030.
  2. Scaling reusable and refillable systems: We are actively working to eliminate non-recyclable plastics and investing in innovative delivery systems that reduce the need for disposable packaging.
  3. Designing better packaging materials: Collaborating with industrial partners, we are engaged in the development of new packaging materials and solutions.
  4. Supporting recycling infrastructure: We strive to prevent plastic leakage into the environment by supporting and promoting effective recycling initiatives across our global operations.
  5. Shaping new behaviors: Addressing the plastic waste challenge requires a collective shift in behavior. We are committed to driving behavioral change among our company, retail partners, suppliers, and consumers.

Through our comprehensive packaging sustainability strategy, we are determined to make a significant positive impact on waste reduction and contribute to a more sustainable future.